Sunday, June 11, 2017

"2017 Tribal Canoe Journey"

2017 Tribal Canoe Journey Cultural Exchange Fund
“Our Journey”

A cooperation between ATAYAL Organization (USA) and the Tao Foundation (Taiwan) has been established. The ATAYAL Organization (USA) and Bridge Studios (Taiwan) have long created cultural exchange and cooperation opportunities between Taiwanese indigenous people and Native American groups. In the summer of 2017, we have yet another amazing opportunity that we will support, the 2017 Tribal Canoe Journey. ( We will depart on the 15th of July and meet our Nisqually Canoe Family on the 16th. “Our Journey” from Olympia, WA will commence on the 17th.

The ATAYAL Organization is working with Taiwan's Indigenous People and the Tao Foundation to send a delegation to Seattle, WA this July to join the 2017 Tribal Canoe Journey. (Standing Together)
We hope to raise funds through The Tao Foundation in Taiwan, ATAYAL in America and also with the help of the Native American Tribes of the Pacific Northwest.
The Tribal Canoe Journey is a yearly event bringing together indigenous people from all over the world to spend up to a month paddling their canoes and learning the ways of their ancestors. This is a wonderful cultural event and we hope to represent Taiwan this year. We will join the Nisqually Canoe Family. "Our Journey" will be about 14 days. This year’s final destination is Quadra Island off of Port Campbell on Vancouver Island, Canada.
We hope to find the funds to bring a 4 member delegation to observe. This is a big project and really needs the help of our members, businesses partners, associates and friends to make this come to fruition.
Please make a donation on our website and be part of the team.

Your donation will go towards the following:
Airfare for 4 people between Taiwan and Seattle, WA (US$7,500).
Meals, Transportation Rentals and Accommodations in the USA (US$ 2,500) - Although the host family and tribal peoples will provide some accommodations during the event, a budget is needed to provide meals and accommodations for the cultural exchange group upon arrival and upon completion of “Our Journey".
Additionally, a thank you gift for our Native American Hosts and our Canoe Family (US$200) - Some wood carvings will be obtained from an indigenous artist to provide as a cultural exchange gift.
Admin Support and translation fees: (US$300)

**** We now have been invited to meet with a group from the University of Washington representing the Burke Museum. (Washington State Museum of Natural History and Culture) 
Our tribal leader, Syaman Lamuran will discuss Tao culture, traditions and their boat culture. There is a canoe (boat) from Lanyu Island that will be displayed at the museum. We are very excited about this additional opportunity.  ATAYAL is honored to be part of this, "Our Journey".
Additionally, our Northwest US Ambassador Will Tsang has set up a forum for a discussion of Tao Culture.
Please help us "Get It Done"
To donate: 
Go Fund Me Page:  (fastest and easiest way for a donation of just $5.00)

ATAYAL website:    (For those in America who want a tax deduction)

The Tao Foundation website:  (For those in Taiwan who want a tax deduction.)
Postal Transfer Checking Account Bank code: 700. Account Number: 0261-012-0101-952

For our supporters in Taiwan…….
The Tao Foundation (財團法人蘭嶼部落文化基金會)
Telephone: (089) 731-000 聯絡電話:+ 886 (089)731-000
Fax: (089) 732-173 傳真專線:+ 886(089)732-173
Address: 12-1 Ye You (Coconut) Village, Lanyu Township, Taitung County, Taiwan
Web Site:
蘭嶼部落文化基金會 蘭嶼部落文化基金會 - Tao Foundation
Postal Transfer Checking Account:
Bank Number: 700
Account Number: 0261-012-0101-952
Transfer Account: 19846318

請幫忙支持籌措2017台美原住民部落獨木舟文化交流經費 (Tribal Canoe Journey 2017 Cultural Exchange)

美國的愛泰雅組織(ATAYAL Organization)跟臺灣蘭嶼部落文化基金會的合作已經建立。美國的愛泰雅組織與台灣的橋樑工作室長時間建立台灣原住民美國原住民團體之間文化交流的合作機會。2017年夏天,我們有一個難得機會支持2017 Tribal Canoe Journey 這項文化交流活動。

愛泰雅組織正與台灣原住民蘭嶼部落文化基金會共同合作派出一支代表團至美國華盛頓州的西雅圖參與觀摩當地 2017 Tribal Canoe Journey。我們希望經由蘭嶼部落文化基金會,愛泰雅組織,與太平洋西北美國原住民部落共同來募款。

The Tribal Canoe journey慶典活動是一個每年舉辦的活動,其目的是聚集世界各地的原住民一起加入長達一個月的划獨木舟活動。藉由這個活動來學習及傳承原住民祖先的傳統。我們希望今年能夠代表台灣參加這個非常有文化意義的活動。我們將加入Nisqually Canoe Family為期14天的划獨木舟活動,這次活動的終點站是加拿大溫哥華島的Quodra Island。
我們希望能籌措一個四人代表團參加觀摩此次活動的經費。這個計劃完成的時間十分緊迫且需要大家的支持。請參與支持我們或也可選擇至網站捐款。                                              2

給邀請人Nisqually Canoe Family 的禮物費用(約美金200)。我們也會獲得對方提供的木雕作品做為文化交流的禮物。管理及翻譯等雜項支出(約美金300)。


**** 我們受邀至Burke博物館(華盛頓州州立自然歷史與文化博物館,網址 )與華盛頓州立大學的教授們會面。
我們的部落領導人Syaman Lamuran將會與他們討論達悟族的文化傳統以及他們特有的拼板舟文化 。博物館內也將展示一艘來自蘭嶼的拼板舟(獨木舟)。我們與愛泰雅組織都很榮幸有這個機會能夠參與這次的活動。另外,美國西北大使Will Tsang 也安排了一個關於達悟族的文化研討會。

The ATAYAL organization is grateful for the support of people who want to make a difference in international cooperation and cultural preservation.
Freedom and Understanding Unite at the 2017 Tribal Canoe Journey.
Best Regards,
Gary R. Smoke
Director of International Relations
ATAYAL Organization
Cell: 0920-558-017
Office: 2874-6220
Cell (International): +886-920-558-017
A referral is our biggest compliment. If you know someone in need of our services, please let us know.
Facebook Group ATAYAL/ACECA:
"Learning through helping indigenous people everywhere!"
ATAYAL Organization Donation Page:
All donations are tax deductible.  
Message or mail me when you have shared please saying >>>> "SHARED!"
Thank you all very much!

A special thank you to our corporate sponsors:
AKW Law, P.C.

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